Things I've accomplished in the past 5 months:
1. I'm a MASTA! Hey oh! I've got a fancy pink hood and another fancy piece of paper.
2. Successfully got through some icky family stuff that after 4 years finally was resolved.
3. Been rejected from every job I've applied for except for the super awesome one I have now (total at 6 jobs and still waiting to hear back from 2)
4. Got hired at the Olive Garden as a server with NO restaurant experience by just walking in with an application. Who needs those jobs that I'm actually mildly qualified for anyway? I wear a tie everyday to work. Doesn't get much more professional than that.
5. I've become a more well read lady.
6. Sang a fancy recital with Miss Jessica Nelson on the keys in Tupelo.
7. Married off one of my best friends, not that I really had much to do with this besides planning some things and having a good time and eating entirely more than I should have.
8. Made fun trips to Chattanooga and False River
9. Made a presentation on Valuing Diversity at RYLA
10. Attended 2 other weddings of good friends and got to sing at one with Walt. Bangarang.
11. Attempted to move to NYC, but thanks to crazy ass brokers trying to screw people over the mission failed.
Ok, so looking at that list makes me feel a tinie tad bit better about myself because I haven't been a complete bum since graduation, but I still feel completely directionless. Why did I go to grad school for music again? Do I still want to move to NYC and give performing a shot? Do I want to go back to school and try to figure out a different career path? No stinking idea. Until then I plan to keep applying to jobs and enjoy what I can of life.
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