Saturday, May 30, 2009


Ok, so I haven't updated in a while because I'm back at home in Biloxi and things just aren't interesting. I'm not about to bore you guys. Well, maybe just a little bit if you're bored enough to be reading this.

Ok, so this is a little ridiculous, but it totally made my day. While running/walking the OS/Biloxi bridge I saw dolphins! 2 of them. Ok, so maybe that seems not exciting to you people, but I live somewhere that I can see dolphins on a regular basis and I think that's pretty damn cool. So there.

I'm really enjoying just hanging out with the fam. I'm just giving voice lessons and working one day a week at the AIDS task force. My last summer of freedom and I'm loving every minute of it.

38 days until I leave for Europe! Play on, playas!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Half of a Master

Thanks for all of your replies. I guess I'll just try putting on my deodorant after I get dressed, but changing up my morning routine scares me a little.

I'm officially done with my first year of grad school. I'm halfway done with my Masters. Weird. I rocked out my jury, got cast in the fall production, got a sweet job as a GHD, and I finally think people know I go to school there. Basically the past month has made up for the terrible past 9 months.

So I don't leave for Austria until July 8th and I got a job with res life so I have to move out of my house at the end of this month and move back home for June. No one will hire me for a month so what should I do? Here are some of my ideas:

1. Use my netflix account until my brain turns to mush
2. Brush up my aerobics skills and train to be the next big aerobics instructor star (why isn't there a reality TV show for that?)
3. Find a sugar daddy at the Beau Rivage
4. Abuse and overuse my parents' 50 bottle wine cooler
5. Relish in the fact that this is the last month of my entire life that I can be completely bored and lazy. (a la summer 2006)

Yes, I think I will do all of these things. Please feel free to add any other suggestions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I have a problem with deodorant. Without fail I always get it all over my shirt. Because I'm so used to it I usually don't even bother getting rid of the deodorant stains because I figure everyone else is used to seeing them everyday.

So I'm asking you, my faithful blog readers, what is the trick to putting on your shirt without getting deodorant stains on it?