Monday, March 30, 2009

I think I might just burn my planner. Oh, wait.

So the reason I haven't written in a long ass time is directly correlated to the fact that I can't read my planner there's so much shit in it. I look at it everyday, freak out a little bit, take a deep breath and conquer. Doesn't this defeat the entire purpose of a handy book to help plan my life?

I go straight from class to a 3 hour opera rehearsal to 3 to 4 hours of work. I know, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, but no one will actually listen to me so I'm going to write it down in my blog, ya'll. It really isn't bad at all; I just stay tired most of the time which is the suck.

Spring Break is coming up next week (Amen, Hallelujah!). Thanks to Jesus sporting some of my paycheck every week and my spring break falling on holy week, I'll be hanging around BR most of the time. I have so much freaking music to work on/learn that I'm really ok with that.

I feel like I laugh all the time, so surely hilarious things occur in my life everyday, but I can't ever remember them to write and share with the 3 people who actually read this.

1 comment:

  1. Jacqueline you are just plain bad ass. Period. hope you have a happy spring break! I will call you soon about schools.
