Monday, April 13, 2009


According to Urban Dictionary the definition for the word jank is as follows: adj- broken; unnecessarily redundant, superfluous, or meaningless; stupid or ridiculously moronic; bootleg or of questionable quality.

This is also my facebook status currently because people in the school of music at LSU have no idea what this word is! GASP! It's been a regular part of my vocabulary for a long time now and I dismissed the first funny looks I got when saying it here, but at a party Saturday night after saying it in front of a group of people and all 4 of them asking what it meant I was in shock. They instead use words like, "totes," short for totally. I'm scared because I think it might be slipping into my vocabulary and I'm trying to resist with all my might.

So people who do not know or use the word jank I have this to say to you: That is JANK!

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